Steps to Transporting Natural Gas

Choose a Natural Gas Marketer/ Supplier.  Customers choose a supplier based on pricing, customer service options, experience level, credit strength, and reputation.

Paperwork: Once you have selected your supplier, the following paperwork may need to be completed:

Customer Information Form/ W-9– Allows Enspire Energy to correctly set-up your account in our systems, as well as populate the contract, and get credit approval.

Base Natural Gas Contract- this contract does no obligate your facility to purchase natural gas from Enspire Energy, but will serve as the governing contract when a mutually agreeable transaction is reached.

Transaction Confirmation- once you decide to lock-in your natural gas price for a given month or term, Enspire Energy will send you a written confirmation stating the pricing and terms of the arrangement.

Enrollment Paperwork with the LDC- Enspire Energy will provide you with the appropriate form as well as assistance in getting the enrollment paperwork completed and submitted to the LDC in a timely manner.  Please note that each utility’s enrollment deadline for switching natural gas suppliers is different.
Some require only a day, while others may require up to 90 days.  The typical turn-around time is a calendar month.

Notice to your Current Supplier- If you are already transporting with a natural gas supplier, some customer contracts require that you provide notice prior to switching suppliers.